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Location: Maryland, United States

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Sometimes It's Good to Whine a Little

The itchy bumps on my back weren't really getting any better. They just sort of morphed into one itchy red blob on one side of my back, and one itchy red blob on the other side. Not only that, my my left breast was resembling one large red blob too.
So yesterday I finally complained to my doctor. I realized it's been two full weeks since I've seen him, and three weeks of dealing with this. Sheesh. They told me he was going on vacation, and they could see me Monday. I explained that I thought the medicine would clear things up and it really hadn't. It was getting any worse- but it wasn't getting better. The doctor called in a perscription cream for me, a very powerful one. I have to use it twice a day. Last night I took a nice bath and put the cream on. I woke up at 2 itchy (and let me tell you, these two AM wake ups are getting OLD) but after that I slept until 6. And this afternoon I must say, I HAVE BARE PATCHES OF SKIN!!! Wooooooo!!!!
It's so much less itchy too. I am finally on the mend.
I feel like celebrating. Good thing I am going to the hockey game tonight. :)


Blogger mm said...

Yay! I'm so glad it's getting better, Debs. That had to suck!

12:08 AM  
Blogger Mom2BJM(Amy) said...

Yeay for bare patches of skin! Glad you bugged the right folks to get the cream!!

6:27 PM  

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