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Location: Maryland, United States

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Stuff and Things

I'm fine... sudying like a madwoman for the GRE's. I took a practice test and got my verbal score up to 670, but the math...needs work. I am determined though.
I saw my old shithole boss at a conference I was at today. My good friend Rashida was sitting a seat down from him, so I sat next to her. He talked to me about the Caps. He kept going on and on until Rashida interrupted him to tell me something and he shut up. He's still a fake, fake, fakey faker. Sheesh.
Okay, so some 13 year old girl makes an Anti-Semetic "joke" to Mystic's dh, and PRE repeats the "joke" as a question? Then he doesn't get why Syren's arrest was racially motivated? I've come to the conclusion that the guy is really just that dense. Sheesh.
Jason's sister is in Hawaii for 10 days so we've had dates at his house. I brought Ari with me Saturday and he absolutely loved it. There was so much for him to explore and he loved going up and down all the stairs.
We are planning on going to Seattle (if Catt would ever get back to me it would be nice) and we're going to take a cruise in February.
I've also been working out consistently. I did excercises on my ball today even though I'm grumpy and bloated and I have cramps. Hmmm, maybe that was an overshare. :) I do feel better now.
I saw this picture from dad today and I am reminded that it's hard to notice that I've lost 12 pounds this year without seeing myself in pictures...

So that's Leah and Andrew, Kate and Jon, and Jason and me. Kate had a conference this weekend so Jon met the rest of the family for a Nationals game and then we met Kate for dinner downtown.



Blogger ~Nutz said...

You're taking the general GRE, right?

You must look great after losing 12 pounds!

10:35 AM  
Blogger Paul said...

Good luck on the GRE!

And continued good luck on the weight loss! I've dropped 24 this year so far.

As for the rest: I'm sooooo glad I don't go to OT anymore. I'm better off.

5:03 AM  
Blogger Bravie said...

I've found that when I have cramps, if I lay on the ball and arch myself completely backwards that it helps my cramps a ton. Michelle has to remind me that it helps though in order to get my lazy, crampy ass off the chair. *giggle*

12:06 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

Congrats on the weight loss! Have you tried brushing Ari now that the weather has warmed up? My indoor cat loves to be brushed and I get gobs of fur off of her.

12:37 PM  

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