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Location: Maryland, United States

Sunday, September 21, 2008

How I Write

This always seems to happen to me....I have a paper I need to write for school.
A few days into writing it, I start to flounder and question myself.
Do I really know what I'm taking about?
Am I really answering this topic?
Is this even coherent at all?
Then as I go along something clicks in my head and I realize that I DO know what I'm talking about, and while it's not perfectly coherent yet, it's coming along nicely.
Oh well, back to work.

In other news, I found my wedding's dress didn't fit (and I'm happy with the way I am, thank you very much so there will be no crash dieting) so I went to Davids with mom and Leah on Friday and found the perfect dress.
And since J reads this and I have told him it's purple and see-through, if you want to know what it looks like, send me an email and I'll send you a picture. :-)


Blogger Silvergirl said...

Oooooh, tis wonderful that you've found the dress! That's a big thing to check off your list right there. Too bad you can't let Jay see it just yet.

Good luck on getting the papers done. I have to watch my own DD as she works her way through college these days.

I do think it's good to get some of the writing done, take a break, and then go back and look at it. It always works better for me this way.

3:45 PM  
Blogger Bravie said...

I want to see it. My email is my username at the other place at gmail dot com.

7:36 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

I want to see a picture of it, too! I think you have my email address.

2:33 PM  
Blogger Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Gotta love a girl who tells her fiance she's wearing a see through, purple dress.

3:10 PM  
Blogger Swami said...

Have fun writing! Once you reach that "click" point writing is way more fun, isn't it?

So glad you found a perfect dress!

7:39 AM  
Blogger Paul said...

Can you send along a pattern of that dress in LC's size? ;-)

6:57 PM  

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