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Location: Maryland, United States

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Tell Me Lies

Yesterday, one of my travel planners asked me to tell her the truth; we talk about her all the time because all of her travel authorizations are wrong and need fixing over and over. I looked her straight in the eye and told her I never talk about anyone, and of course we don't talk about her. Well, we do talk about her some...for the reasons she mentioned. Sometimes, she's so frustrating to deal with. She never takes responsibility for a mistake, her eyes just get really really big (bug eye big) and she proceeds to make excuses, blaming everyone else. It drives me nuts. And she's always complaining about how she hates preparing travel authorizations. WELL THAT'S HOW SHE MAKES HER LIVING.
Have you ever told someone a lie because you thought it was better they didn't know the truth?


Blogger mm said...

No, never.

12:50 AM  
Blogger mm said...

OK, that's not true. *grin*

Of course I do, and frankly, someone who felt the need to be brutally honest about needlessly hurtful things would probably not have a lot of friends. I am not saying I like (or want) to be lied to, but OTOH, we need to have the ability to know whether something we say will cause harm to someone else, with no obvious benefit. I'd rather lie about something small, than hurt someone. Just my opinion.

12:53 AM  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

If I can potentially see a benefit, I'll figure out how to tell a half truth...making it seem like less of a big deal.

Sometimes I will outright lie, but it takes me awhile to get there. Example:

Coworker gets her hair cut & it's awful. She seems uncomfortable with it, but asks my opinion. I say:
"Wow, what a change! Short hair will be so nice for the summer. I bet it's easy to do in the morning. I like it."
Took me four sentences to get there, but I eventually told the lie.

12:21 PM  

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