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Friday, February 09, 2007

I'll Try Just About Anything, part 2

I loved my job at the National Defense University. It was a lot of work, but it was a lot of fun too. I would say 80% of the people at the University travelled, and they all had to come through me. I knew almost everyone there.
I worked in the Resource Management Division... where all the money came through. One of my co-workers and friends, Patricia, was on the multicultural committee. For Black History Month, the multicultural committe planned a fashion show of African clothes.
Pat said they needed some diversity in the show, so she asked if I would do it. I said sure.
They moved us into this auditorium where a lot of people were invited, dignitaries and high ranking military members. To give you an idea of how nice the place is, the President speaks there when he comes to the University.
I was the only white girl in the show.
I wore this yellow dress with a pattern on it that had slits up the sides of the skirt that was very flattering on me. The lady creating the fashions had us bring our own sandals to wear with the clothes. I was pretty nervous going up on stage, and I looked out and saw all the people and got a little more nervous. When I walked out, Pat read this little statement that I wrote which said something to the effect that African Americans and Jewish people had suffered many hardships in their histories, and I felt it was important that we learn from each other in order to grow. That got a lot of murmuring in response, and I struted across the stage to a lot of applause. It was very fun. I'm glad that I did it. I think I surprised a lot of people that day.


Blogger Paul said...

Drat, I missed it! *kicks dirt*

When I sang with the Parkway Chorale at the DoD, we once had a performance with the Gospel Choir for BHM. It went well, and I enjoyed it.

On another occasion, we sang "Ezekiel Saw De Wheel", and I enjoyed that also. Then on TV, I saw the Morgan State University Choir perform it. Whoa. Left us in the dust.

3:12 PM  
Blogger Abhinav said...

This post is worthless without pictures.

But that sounds wonderful. Good work.

12:43 PM  
Blogger Puffy said...

I'm impressed! Good for you!

11:40 AM  

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