Music or Movies?
I was thinking about the this or that on Weltek's blog where she asked: music, or movies? My answer without hesitation would be music.
I can't imagine my life without it. I've often felt at times there is a soundtrack to my life. I'm always listening to something.
Dad grew up on 50's and 60's R&B classics, and of course rock music. He collected thousands of 45s and 33 and 1/3rds.
When I was growing up, we had record nights. We lived in a split level house, and in the basement dad had his record player hooked up to the stereo. He's spin tunes like a dj and we'd dance around the basement in our pajamas. I have fond memories of those times. He would do silly things like find a song like Stop in the Name of Love and just play the word stop, and then find another song that started with Go. And he'd dub them on tape so we'd here, Stop...Go... Stop...Go. And then we'd laugh and tell him to play another song.
I remember in the 6th grade when some horrible rap remix of Happy Together came out. George (he was such a snot) asked who wrote it and I said The Turtles. He just looked at me like I was stupid and said, "no, the real song." I looked right back at him and said, "That is the real song. It's classic."
Dad was pleased.
I can't imagine my life without it. I've often felt at times there is a soundtrack to my life. I'm always listening to something.
Dad grew up on 50's and 60's R&B classics, and of course rock music. He collected thousands of 45s and 33 and 1/3rds.
When I was growing up, we had record nights. We lived in a split level house, and in the basement dad had his record player hooked up to the stereo. He's spin tunes like a dj and we'd dance around the basement in our pajamas. I have fond memories of those times. He would do silly things like find a song like Stop in the Name of Love and just play the word stop, and then find another song that started with Go. And he'd dub them on tape so we'd here, Stop...Go... Stop...Go. And then we'd laugh and tell him to play another song.
I remember in the 6th grade when some horrible rap remix of Happy Together came out. George (he was such a snot) asked who wrote it and I said The Turtles. He just looked at me like I was stupid and said, "no, the real song." I looked right back at him and said, "That is the real song. It's classic."
Dad was pleased.
Your dad would have liked the concert we went to in Reno: Little Anthony and the Imperials, with (one of many iterations of) The Platters opening for them.
I remember finding a way to keep the power on our record player so we could listen to the Beatles' (really, Yoko Ono's) "Revolution 9" backwards. We spun the record with our fingers.
Aw, good story! I'd also choose music. I've never been much of a movie buff. I do feel out of touch with a lot of music now. I used to know the popular and obscure. Now? I find our radio sucks around here more than it used to. I used to listen to some great alternative stations. Now? Clear Channel owns 80% of the stations around here and there is only 2 of the 20% that play even close to my musical interests...and that's a stretch.
Kim - two words: Satellite Radio
*enters blog singing*
I can't see me loving nobody but you.. for all my li-i-ife. When you're with me, baby the skies will be blue for all my liiiife.
On a vaguely related note, I've been trying to find the collection of my mother's old 45's that I had. I know I put them somewhere after I found the kids playing with them, but I forget where that is.
One of them is Happy Together.
I've got a slew of 45's and 33 1/3's and reel to reel tapes and tape cassettes. Fun, fond memories, deb.
MTW-I almost got Chris satellite radio for Christmas, but the flight simulator accessories won out. I think it will be a next Christmas gift. They had great sales going on at Christmastime.
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