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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Karma is a big old...

Jason and I had dinner with my former co-worker Rashida on Friday, who is a fabulous person and super fun.
She told me my old admin officer, Kelli (who treated me more like her person slave than her tech) had gotten herself in serious trouble at work. She was arguing with another admin officer and she stormed into the breakroom and said "I hate that stupid bitch" loud enough that the whole office and the person in question heard her. When confronted about it, she denied the entire thing and said everything was fine. Needless to say, it was not a shock when a couple weeks later she was out of that institute (not to mine, thank goodness) and in another job. Now the other admin officer that made my life so miserable is miserable herself and is probably on her way out too. Here's a refresher post... (July 19th)


Blogger Shmee said...

I LOVE karma in situations like that. What comes around...

10:27 AM  

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