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Location: Maryland, United States

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Time to get the Heck Out of Dodge

Tonight we'll be spending the evening with my happy family and staying with Ima and dad before going to the airport tomorrow. Dad's decided that in exhange for all the taxi services and kitty sitting services he would like the new Caps jersey. They went back to red white and blue.
I've been a little restless and frustrated with my job of late. Okay, a lot frustrated. I cried to Jason on the phone on Monday. I need a break, so this is good timing.
Yesterday dad, Marie, Abbi, Abbi's sister and I went to watch the Caps's rookies at rookie camp. Some of them looked pretty good. I took lots of pictures. We went out for dinner afterwards.
I can't wait to be at the bed and breakfast, sleeping in, snuggling up to Jason in the morning light, the big bbq...seeing everyone....I'm really excited. Jason's been taking care of his parents since his mom's heart surgery and I am aiming to spoil him as much as possible this weekend. He deserves it.


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