My Life as a Caps Fan

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Location: Maryland, United States

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Off to Atlanta

I will be in Atlanta tomorrow through Tuesday at Dragon Con, Dragon*Con is America's largest, multi-media, popular arts convention focusing on science fiction and fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film.
It could not come at a better time for me. The fuckers at my job have already started looking for a replacement for me, and that's why they moved up my departure date to the 20th. I really shouldn't be surprised. But the good news is I have an interview when I come back on Wednesday. It looks promising.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Happy Couple

I love him more every day. He's an amazing man.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Heart Friends Part II

Yes, guys, he made the guacamole at the concert. From scratch. It was yummy.
Hopefully I'll get in touch with him or Rachel to get pics to post. Really, I should just buy a digital camera already.
Last night I went with my best friend Sara, to the Eddie From Ohio concert. It's okay if you haven't heard of them, they are a folk rock band based in NOVA. Sara and I used to go to their concerts growing up when we'd have to go with our parents to get in to clubs since we were underage. One of the singers, Julie, is recovering from breast cancer. With Mary (of Peter Paul and Mary)'s lukemia recovery that makes two concerts in a week with lead singers who are cancer survivors. She dedicated one of the songs to the INOVA Cancer Center, and I choked up.
I've known Sara well since we were seven years old. (if I can snag my parent's scanner this weekend, I will post a picture) She's the kind of person where we can go a couple of years without seeing each other, and upon seeing each other for a few minutes, everything is as it was before. She's good people. I had such a good time with her. We talked a lot about all kinds of things.
I think this week has been a good reminder for me that I have people in my life who love and care about me, and support me no matter what I do, even if the people at my job think I am a irredeemable fuck up.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Heart Friends

There is this poem that we read in my sorority's initiation ceremony about heart friends, the kind of friends that enrich your life by being there. This weekend our friend Mark came back in to town from Houston where he moved in February. Jason and I went with him and Rachel to the Peter Paul and Mary concert. It was nice in a country where I feel like I hear "be a Republican and pro-Bush or die" all the time to hear "We Shall Overcome" at least for one evening. Rachel and Mark went all out with cheese and crackers and guacamole he made at the concert and wine and dessert. It was cool that night so I got to be all snuggly with Jason.
Sunday I went over to Dan's and he and Sev and Steve and I played Hackmaster, which is like D&D but much more complicated. Steve was extra super grouchy. Linda came over and we drove up to Columbia to meet Mark and Rachel for dinner before he left for Houston. He invited bunches of people, Laura and Rob and their baby son, Rachel's husband John, Mike and Cheryl (I'm probably not spelling that right but I don't know her all that well) and Jason met us there. It's been a long time since we've all been together like that. It was so nice. Oh, and Rachel took pictures of Jason and I at the concert that turned out very nice so if I get permission from a certain someone, I'll post them here.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Deb's Daily Prayer

Dear Glod*
Grant me the strength to get through this day of work without killing any of my co-workers. Especially Kelli, with her high, annoying laugh, and her nice to your face but stab you in the back ways. I would also like the strength not to kill Linda, who thinks that I am doing an okay job but won't tell my boss that for fear of loosing her own job. And should I run into Larry, the boss, who thinks he is completely in the right by bulling me into quitting, then PLEASE, give me restraint not to tell him I think he is a butt nugget. Let me make it through the day without standing on my desk and telling them all that acting like I'm not going to be fired sucks. However, should you see fit to have Linda and Kelli have headaches and trouble sleeping (like last week), that would be fine. Should Larry suffer a long dating drought, that is okay. And should karma come down and smack them a new one, I will applaud, quietly.

*see Terry Pratchett's Soul Music, which is an excellent book that I have read many times